August 14, 2009 - Wiki

Duncan Timiney has recently announced and released a new Chaos remake of his own, and in addition started a Chaos remakes wiki. I’ve updated the info on the old Chaos Enhanced build and I’ll definitely be helping maintain the overall wiki.

Not much new information yet on my new version in development, but what I can say is that the first release will definitely include online multiplayer ‘out of the box’. Exciting times!

August 5, 2009 - Slipspace

Something I’ve been working on alongside the other 1,407 things in the pipeline…check back often for updates! Cursor keys or WASD to move, space to fire, and page up/page down to change your ship’s speed. I’ll let you work out the rest for yourself 🙂

Oh, and click somewhere inside the game to enable control!

Play at half size or full size.